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Nobody is allowed to play with your feelings.

You're a wonderful woman.Read more here.

Is he already spoken for? Don't show your anger so clearly; be nice anyway. Don't indulge in old habits at a meeting. Don’t foster an unpleasant mood and send signals that you want your ex back.

Try to find common ground from the beginning. Similarities often lead to more activities and a better access to each other.

Be empathetic. Empathy is the ability to empathize with the characteristics of your counterpart. As a woman you carry this quality within you anyway. Use it.

If he tells you something serious, try to empathize with the situation. Basically, as if the situation happened to you yourself. 

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Do not stand above or below the person you are talking to. Meet them at eye level. Many long-term partnerships actually only work because both are on the same level.

In addition, the partnership as such is also much more harmonious overall. Smile. 

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