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But it is good if you are prepared. That way you can better recognize the traps of life.
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One important tip beforehand. You are an individual being. No one is like you.
Do not try to copy the ways and behaviors of others, but stand by your uniqueness and your distinct way of expression. An example: buy clothes that you really like and feel comfortable in instead of copying the look of other people just because it's trendy.
So congratulations on this particular card choice! It is a perfect preparation for your psychic text and all the messages answering your questions. This is quite a poignant and therefore powerful prediction.
It is represented in this card.
The woman will represent you from here on in. As the querent, ‘you’ must try to visualise her situation, what might be on her mind and emote with her. How best do I do this? It is a difficult thing for some people but absolutely essential to get the real feeling of this reading.
You are best finding yourself a really quiet, undisturbed spot to calmly read through the information here and so achieve the best results. Firstly, look deeply into the card and imagine you are in her shoes. Why is she sitting here?
What is she thinking? What seems to be happening in her life? What are the symbolic clues which relate to my situation?
Clearly a psychic tarot card is based on symbols. And what may seem a simple picture is deceptive. One main symbol is prominently displayed on the table and that is lavender.
We also have the glass which can either be where ‘you’ are doubled, a sort of reflection, or a plane or portal through time where you are looking back. Glass is reflective and therefore is usually connected to revealing our spiritual side.
Other symbolism can be found where there is the meal half eaten, twinning (or the concept of the double) in the two figures and again this is mirrored in the two cushions, the significance of the table and, lastly, in the half portions where the first part has already been consumed.
This is a very personal picture. It has an intimacy about it, as if we, the observer, are seeing a private moment in your life where you need to face-up to some truth, very possibly.
Does any of this resonate? Let us look at this oracle card closer. Here there is a woman thinking, chin on hand (body language analysis would argue that by holding your chin with a lowered head, you are feeling low, or submissive).
Is this how you are feeling currently in your life? The card suggests that you may have reached a sort of impasse and are experiencing a malaise. We all go through these times, it is very natural.
You may be missing someone based on your gaze’s direction ‘suggesting’ a relationship between how you are feeling and the unknown figure we can see in the distance.
So here ‘you’ are: looking out of the window, pensive, thinking, seemingly a million miles away in your thoughts. Now one reading about the unfinished drink and cake is that you are depressed. Does this ring true for you lately?
It is very natural that we become uninterested in food or drink, suffer a loss of appetite, as we are worried and distracted. These feeling pass and the fact that your card is reflecting so much light means that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
Also it is a clear indication that you are not ever truly alone, that you are certainly not in the dark (despite how you may be feeling) and that the light is a spiritual presence all around you protecting you.
Perhaps you enjoy looking back; note the hazy figure through the glass: who are they? Are you missing someone? Has someone you loved passed away?
Are you trying to make contact with the other side? The layers of glass between you can be emblematic of the veil between life and death. Don’t be afraid to talk to your loved one.
They are still here beside you but on a different plane. Sometimes we can see them for a brief, magical moment. Sometimes they make contact through the gift of a medium or a card reading, like here.
Or this could be your guardian angel here to let you know that you are never ever alone, that they are always hovering near. This looks like an angel card and that is always a positive card to draw, always.
So, that could also relate to the cup half full or half empty idiom. Only you can decide how you want to see life. But based on this card, you have been seeing it as half empty recently and this isn’t like you. Choose to be happy, it really is a choice.
Don’t waste your life looking back when we live in the forward projection. If you are lonely, someone else out there is lonely, too. You are very possibly used to being part of a pair as the domestic surroundings of this image suggest this.
The pot of lavender, the two cushions, the food waiting for the other person to share it; this card suggests a broken pair, there is an impression here that someone who is very important to you is missing.
Or else it could be that you are waiting, you have only half eaten your food as you have saved the rest for the one you are waiting for , there is an element of sharing, of patience and kindness and generosity.
Waiting is a virtue as long as you know that the wait will be rewarded and it is not ruining your life. The other symbolic element here is the table.
It has structure, it is a support, to hold your food but also something you lean on, sit around, it is a symbol of a gathering or social event. Note the legs - the table’s legs and yours – denoting supports, and you are also supporting your head and chin: we all need support.
Lastly, the lavender beside you is a symbol of life as are all living things. Your mood reflects their spiritual connectivity. They represent tranquillity, peace, meditative states, and ultimately is their distinctive colors is known as the crown chakra (also called “the bridge to the cosmos.”).
This is associated with breath control to relieve tension and so the torso area being emphasised in the image makes sense.
As the most spiritual of all the seven chakras, it’s positioned above the crown of the head and is your centre of enlightenment, universal consciousness, and provides you with a deep, guided wisdom.
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This will lead you out of this hopeless situation.
And awakens questions about the whats and whys of life. You then want to get closer to life. You want to get to know and understand it. And you want to know the answers to all the questions that awaken within you.
How many ideas from friends and family members have you followed? They all mean well to you. But these people are far too deeply involved in your problem. It is better to consult an expert in this stressful situation.
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Secondly, the procedure approaches the situation holistically. It strengthens your personal charisma. On the spiritual level this leads to more capacity to act and personal sovereignty.
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In this situation you will have a very intimate experience which can bind you together for a long time.
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Your partner sees you through new eyes, and with love!
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