A decisive factor for a positive being is the power of our thoughts. We have all heard this before, but what about the practical implementation? Because what we think, we radiate.
If we always think only about the possible negative outcome of something, if we blaspheme a lot and constantly about our fellow men and if we always expect the worst, we will be perceived in exactly the same way from the outside, i.e. negatively.
If we try to concentrate on a good outcome, we might be surprised about the behavior of our counterpart, instead of letting it get to us and if we approach things in a positive way, we will radiate that.
If you have a beautiful aura, you attract beautiful and positive things - and vice versa. So, it's better to cling to the spark of hope when things get tricky instead of siding with the pessimists.
Just as important for our presence as the power of our thoughts is our body language.
And such a strong presence requires an upright, self-confident posture. Instead of shifting your weight from one leg to the other and thus always standing slightly crooked, it is better to distribute your weight on both legs. This creates a certain amount of grip and feels more stable.
Also pay attention to your arms and make sure that you don't keep them crossed all the time but let them loose occasionally. Don't go through life bent over. Make a conscious decision to walk upright.
This has nothing to do with arrogance, by the way, but should signal a pleasant feeling to your counterpart. Even when sitting down, you should keep an eye on your posture.
If we deal with our fears, day in and day out, we will eventually feel completely paralyzed. Better: Face your fears and try to overcome them. This is not just an easy sounding advice. It can also be put into practice quickly. Become aware of your fears.
Write them down in your journal, in your diary or simply on a piece of paper. Think concretely about how one problem after another can be actively solved.
It is best if you prioritize while writing them down at the same time. After that, it's time for implementation, i.e. to eliminate one problem after another. You will soon see that a feeling of satisfaction, but also motivation for the next tasks, will develop.
For entertainment only. Must be at least 18 years old.
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