The Chinese Fortune Teller looks deep into your soul.
Wonderful answers are waiting.
Yes, I want to ask more and i want to be curious. Now
If you like yourself, then you will enjoy your life more. You will love yourself more and openly and you will laugh more and more with deep joy and welcome the happiness of life also in love and partnership.
Sometimes time is needed to allow for new courage, new enthusiasm and also new trust in yourself to grow. But you shouldn't wait too long, because otherwise a new beginning in the love for yourself becomes more difficult.
Caring for you starts with the basic physical needs. Are you sleeping enough? Do you eat regularly? Do you consume food that is good for you? Do you drink enough? Or are you often tired and weak?
Or are you often ill? Or do you weigh more than is good for you? This could be an indication that you are disregarding the foundation of your health. Going for a walk.
Taking a nap. Visiting a sauna. Meeting with friends for a casual Aperol Spritz. Or taking time out when you don't need to function. Where you can simply do what gives you strength and recharges your batteries.
It is the knowledge and acceptance of your own strengths and weaknesses and the ability to be aware of yourself. But why is this so important and makes you so attractive? Why is it so attractive when you know yourself and your worth? And which qualities are particularly sexy?
Authenticity applies not only to make-up and clothes, but also to inner values. We sense when someone is not real and plays a role. No one wants to be played with. Strong women are authentic.
They remain true to themselves and stand by their opinions. This has an extremely attractive effect, because we feel safe and comfortable in the presence of authentic people. So, authenticity is attractive!
This does not mean that they plunge blindly and recklessly into everything new, but that they weigh up the risks wisely and leave their comfort zone to face the challenge.
And even if something goes wrong, they grow thanks to their failures and become more secure. And if the new venture succeeds, then more of the same, please! Such women have the courage to change - so it never gets boring with them.
Stay as you are. You will find out anyway that you will be much better received by him when you are authentic and don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t.
For entertainment only. Must be at least 18 years old.
Psychicprince is here to help you with your reading. You deserve it.