Read my future

There is hope!

Read my future, and you can save your relationship.

Ask 3 questions and you may get exactly the one answer that will help you now.

Strong women are open and honest in dealing with their feelings, because they have nothing to hide. The greatest fear in sharing feelings is to appear vulnerable.

Such strong women are also aware of this and therefore express themselves in disagreements without blame or insults. And when the verbal thunderstorm has been expressed and thus evaporated, they retaliate to their friends for the clarifying conversation by saddling the horses and riding together to the next ice cream parlor. 

After all, joie de vivre must not be neglected, and such women are usually not resentful.

Female spirituality has developed over the millennia from observations of nature and is closely linked to the creative forces of the earth. 

It gives many women more strength, joy, health and the ability to love. How every woman succeeds in returning to her femininity - the center of her power - and becoming the weaver of her happiness is considered a mistake, because all the men in my life accused me of never letting them participate in my thoughts, only in my decisions. Feelings of guilt plagued me. 

Am I so wrong? Is the way I am not right? So, I tried to adapt to it, to listen more to their needs and often forgot mine. 

A compromise is created between at least two people who agree on a decision for a context in which both of them usually do not completely follow their needs, but rather take a small step back to allow room for an agreement.

At what time we go to work, which dress style we have to match, which restaurant we go to, when and with whom we have an appointment, and then the precious time we sacrifice for decisions behind which, for the most part, we are not even 100 percent behind. It's kind of paradox, isn't it?

And yet we do it day after day so as not to hurt or lose others. It could be that our needs are not beautiful, interesting, smart or sexy enough for the people we want to impress or keep.

Be yourself. Even if you're a better version of yourself, at the end of the day you're still you, so remember to be the girl he fell in love with in the beginning. If you try too hard to prove how different you've become, you'll lose sight of who you are.

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