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But in the end, a relationship always involves two people. And if your partner is not prepared to treat you appropriately and to meet you with the love you deserve - then you have every right in the world to distance yourself from them. But you should not make hasty decisions either.
On the one hand, your friends and other people important to you will need time to get used to your new vulnerability.
And on the other hand, there will always be moments when the people you care about will not behave in a morally correct way.
So, if there are also moments when you don't feel like opening up to your partner, that's perfectly ok. But as soon as you notice that these moments are too frequent - and that a person is always treating you inappropriately - you should consider whether you want to stay in touch.
Focus your attention on the positive.
There are people who enter a room and not only stand out because of their appearance, but also win everyone's sympathy in the blink of an eye.
Do you know the feeling that you immediately take people to your heart without knowing them?
Our charisma is very decisive for how confident we are in our dealings with others. And when we have a positive effect on others, this in turn builds up our self-confidence. This creates a real spiral of success. You can support this spiral of success.
A basic prerequisite for this is self-acceptance. Only those who are able to accept themselves and stand by themselves have a real self-conscious effect on the outside world.
Concentrate on your positive qualities, not on your weaknesses. If you always focus on what you cannot do, you will get a wrong picture of yourself.
Always think about everything you are good at. You are unique in your way and it is good that you exist.
It is a law that the way we treat other people, even if only in our thoughts, falls back on ourselves.
If you make fun of other people, you usually assume that other people do the same to you. Already you feel insecure.
It is much more pleasant and beneficial for your self-confidence if you look at yourself and other people with a positive attitude and a loving outlook. So, if you radiate positively on others, you get the same in return.
For entertainment only. Must be at least 18 years old.
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