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Strong women know their value inside, they trust their feelings. The feeling of knowing what you are worth.

Every person has lows in their life, that is normal and lets us grow.

Such women know how to pull themselves out of these crises or to look for support, because they know the secret of dealing with themselves in an appreciative way and motivating themselves.

They feel inside themselves, trust their intuition and are therefore decisive. They find it easy to make decisions. They are not intimidated or even discouraged by others. They trust themselves.

Well, if you can say “no” once in a while, your “yes” is honest and just as important as saying “yes” all the time so that you don't rub off. They know where their qualities lie and what they can improve. 

But they also know where it is better to let someone else come first, because they are better than they are. Self-determined women take the diversity of people as an opportunity to enrich each other, because every person has strengths and weaknesses. Together and in exchange we benefit from this.

This is attractive because it strengthens the cooperation and gives all participants the opportunity to be the best in a discipline.

Recent studies have shown that we learn throughout our lives and into old age. However, we learn most from those life situations that have been less optimal for us. A well-known mountaineer once said that “Whenever I make mistakes, I learn”.

We all make smaller and bigger mistakes in life, we may even regret them, because regret develops into a new awareness of what may be better in the future. 

Low blows are closely connected with growth and learning. We need both in life in order to move forward and be successful. 

Every person is special in their own way. With the comparison, our own weaknesses automatically become greater and the strengths or successes of which we can be proud of become smaller. 

Most people are often stricter and more critical with themselves than when dealing with other people. Comparisons weaken self-esteem, and self-confident women know this. They accept themselves as they are, with every asset and every flaw.

Independent women enjoy a certain freedom in dealing with their feelings. This does not include whining and nagging, because these are expressions of hidden aggression. 

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