Psychic Love spells

Welcome to my uplifting and Psychic Love Spells.

Look and be enchanted, raise your energy, ask for more empowering Predictions.

If that feels good for you, then see what love has in store for you and start reading now.

The following love spell rituals can be done with the instructions written on this page. These love rituals are quickly effective (sometimes 100% immediate) and work on these concerns:

You want to bring back your lost ex-partner.

Carry out a partner repatriation.

You want to find your soul mate, your dual soul.

Make a partner reunion.

You want to make yourself attractive, increase your charisma and thus find the right man and bind him to you.

You have fallen in love immortal, but your man of the heart knows nothing of your feelings.

You want to drive this man crazy for you.

Experience shows that it is safer to work with white magic only (warning of black magic!). If you work with blood, it can be dangerous. You should only do this with an experienced magician (witch). At the bottom of the page you will find instructions on how to cast spells.

Instructions for a strong love spell with candles without any other ingredients to do it yourself

If you want this love magic to work immediately, please follow the step-by-step instructions. The execution is at your own risk.

If you don't think so (please trust your intuition and be radically honest with yourself) then contact the Tarot Prince.

The following instructions consist of 4 parts. It is important that you look at all 4 parts carefully if you really want to be successful. You don't have to do all 4 parts, but you need to know what to do and what not to do. Therefore, look at all 4 parts.

The first part is a written guide to a strong love spell with candles and a piece of paper. Please judge both, the candle should be either white or red.

Then you are shown a complete ritual to lead back an ex-partner. If that is your concern, please follow the instructions very carefully. Our information also points out that it could be dangerous if you make mistakes. So please look at them properly and carry out conscientiously.

There is a special question in the third part. Is a ritual dangerous for love with menstrual blood and hair? What should you watch out for? Absolutely worth a look!

In the 4th part you will learn when you should not carry out a partner repatriation with a ritual yourself or when you should not do it.

Part 1: a fast-acting love spell to do yourself

That's what you need: A candle in a colour that represents your relationship or your longing. Usually white, red or pink is chosen. If you're very unhappy, purple might do. Place the sheet of paper and a pen on the side within reach. Make sure nobody bothers you and sit comfortably at the table. Turn off your phone. 

Light the candle on a table where nothing else is written. He must be pure. Then close your eyes. Now you can dream of the best time you had together. If you haven't been with him, think of it the way you want. Imagine yourselves both in love, full of love and tingly desires. Do you feel it in all the cells of your body? 

Goose bumps! Make it stronger until your yearning drives you crazy. The power of the spell unfolds. Put the sheet of paper on the table. Write his name, your name on the sheet of paper and paint a heart around both names. 

Then look intensively into the flame of the candle and hold your palm upwards. Then cast the following spell out loud:

"Come to me (pronounce your heart man's name out loud here), come to me. Look at me with the wonderful eyes of love. Behold my magic, my beauty, my love. Feel the power of love that brings us together. So be it so. I want it."

You're still sitting comfortably, palms up and looking into the candle. Get back the loving feeling of the presence of your dream man while looking at the burning flame of the candle. Take a deep breath and watch the flame move.

Now blow out the flame of the candle and fold the sheet of paper so that the writing is inside and you can no longer see it.

Breathe in and out 3 deep breaths and burn the paper. This concludes the free love spell. Wait patiently for what comes.

Part 2: a love ritual to do yourself with video instructions

This is a powerful ritual. Please watch the video carefully so that you are not in danger.

If you're looking for an even stronger spell, the next video is for you.

Part 3: Love magic ritual with blood and hair

Although it is a powerful love spell with menstrual blood and hair as ingredients, you should follow the instructions very conscientiously. Watch the video now.

Love Magic Ritual Guide

Part 4: in these cases, you should not perform a partner repatriation ritual with love spells, even if you really want to drive this man crazy for you.

I know you're longing, and your heart aches are terrible. The heartache almost kills you. But please take the warnings seriously. In these cases, please do not perform the love ritual with the oracle.

Is it about a partner repatriation or do you just want to make him crazy about you?

You ask the oracle of love: Does he love me? Does he miss me? Is he still thinking about me?

Then the Tarot Prince has a complete interpretation of the Tarot cards for you.

Check out the partner analysis with tarot cards before you do the love spell ritual yourself.

Hello you wonderful woman, here the Tarot Prince shows you how to make the love magic with the spells yourself. 

In most cases it works immediately and 100%. But remember: all this is not a game. If you're really serious about him, this ritual alone won't be enough. This man also has a will of his own and you can't expect him to become your puppet doing everything you command him to do. You realize that anyway, right? 

In a video below you will learn more about his thoughts and feelings and what he really thinks about you. Be sure to watch this tarot card interpretation video before performing the love spell ritual.

Otherwise there is a danger that you do something wrong and it becomes dangerous.

Now draw a love card and learn: 

What is going on in him? Does he love me?

Your intuition guides you magically.

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