Order is a natural principle of life. Man strives for it because he wants to live in harmony with nature and with the Creator. Keep order within and without. Get rid of unnecessary ballast.
Your instant Message of the Day.
Make a request and then let go.
What is your most important request for today? Just leave it to life to find the necessary ways and means to fulfill your sincere desire.
You don't have to do anything else. And believe me, life always finds a way. Even though we people only see walls. Life finds the doors. Don't care whether it arrives or not.
Be curious, at the most, which ways life may choose this time to fulfill your request.
Give it a try today, because it actually works. Miracles happen when you let go and stop fighting for a certain thing. That's not to say you shouldn't try to do something. On the contrary.
But all without pressure and not with your head through the wall. One of the most beautiful examples of this is love. True love will never come from force and struggle.
Of course you have experienced many times that where there is control and pressure, there is never room for true love. From compulsion always only dependence arises.
The encounters, a smile. Inner peace with the world and with people, and deep gratitude for your life are the best breeding ground for life to accept your petitions.
Do this and everything will be possible for you. Start doing it now.
Hello, beautiful lady, I'm your angel of the day. You asked for an answer? I'd like to give it to you. But first I want to tell you something important.
Do you know that we angels are always there for you gods children? We defend you, we accompany you, we protect you. Today and every day you are surrounded by our presence.
Even if you can't feel us. We're always here. Now we come to your request. We take this very seriously and importantly. Because when asked for something, that is our mission. I want you to know that we always try to fulfill your wishes.
Maybe you're unhappy in your relationship. Maybe you have problems with other people or are afraid of the future. Be sure that you will be supported in everything you do.
By that, we mean helping you do the right thing. We help you and all people. But sometimes the right thing is not what you want. The bigger picture is the one we have.
We see things a little more comprehensively than you do. So have faith. We do what we can. This time too. And we always act that way to lead you to happiness and love.
You wanted an answer to a yes/no question. The card of psychic princess Arelia gives you a very pleasant information.
For some time now you have been waiting for things to develop in the desired direction.
You did a lot for it, but the doubts remained. Is it gonna be the way I want it to be or not? What will my counterpart do?
Here is the relieving message. This is a good time for you. Many unfulfilled hopes now have an energetic tailwind. This means that the energy of desire is directed in your favour.
So there is a clear tendency towards yes for you.
However, this desired energy is tied to a number of conditions. Please read on to find out how and why the situation can develop in your favour.
A clear yes to your question depends on whether the underlying wish is really important to you. Ask yourself that question again. Do I really care about the result? Why do I want this event to happen?
These questions are important because life tests you to see if you are serious. Making a wish is not a game. Life takes your requests seriously. So: do you mean it, or is it just to be said so quickly?
There is a second point where a yes could still fail.
The question is: is the hoped-for result also good for you? Because if it weren't, life would waste its strength. Life makes no mistakes and the life force is not wasted.
So give it a second and see if what you are striving for is really good for you.
Here's an example. You might want your ex-partner to be interested in you again and come back to you. You want this so much. But you know that he hasn't really changed.
That he cannot or will not change. So how do you think this new relationship between you will unfold? Will it end well this time? Why?
One might rather assume that the relationship will break up again because it takes place under the same conditions as before. You know what is meant by this example, right? So be happy. It's a yes.
But take the decisions of life seriously and do not play with them.
You are protected.
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An awesome free answer for you from Psychicprince.
You wanted a psychic answer about luck and opportunity. The card of Princess Pranoa has come to meet you. She's an angel to protect you. Your message is uplifting and a very good omen for the coming time.
Currently, you have a certain problem that you have been struggling with for a while. Your present life situation is unclear and the upcoming changes are giving you bad thoughts.
A desire that seems unattainable at the moment. But things may soon turn for the better.
Perhaps you haven't had the courage yet. You didn't make it clear what you want.
You made yourself smaller than you are. You were afraid of rejection. Insecurity has blocked you.
Coincidence can help you a lot in the near future. You are afraid to take the first step because you do not want to be disappointed. This feeling can soon turn into security.
The Psychic Princess' answer has a basic message for you: Now is the right time to act. Don't waste time and act. Do the things you've wanted to do for a long time. The coming time is under a good star.
Chance will also help you with that. Most likely your courage will be rewarded.
Simultaneously, other paths are being blocked for you. You have kept many options open so far. Did fear make you want to stay put?
Because you fear to do the wrong thing? Now is a good time for clarity. Take the first step. Don't wait for others to do it for you. These other people also make their decisions.
But you are an independent being. You're wonderful the way you are. You are not small and weak. You are entitled to your wishes. You have the right for a fulfilled life. So do not wait any longer and do not torture yourself.
From now on many things can change for the better. Provided you don't stop and wait any longer for a good opportunity. Then your dreams and wishes can be fulfilled very soon. Sense deep inside yourself.
They are free and accurate here online for you: Your Psychic Answer on the most important issues relieves your soul.
You want a free Psychic Love Answer and the card of Nindera has appeared. That's a wonderful indication for you. It shows you where you can get ahead and where dangers lurk.
Discover the secrets of love for the time to come.
The most important message is this: Don't make hasty decisions now. Your heart is vulnerable right now. Test everything before giving away your love.
Which emotions are you worried about right now? Which person is associated with it? At this point you are actually trying to suppress a reality from your life.
Basically, you already know what's going to happen. But your hopes still cling to your dream castle. Somewhere deep down, you're afraid to accept this reality.
You can be sure that fear is rarely a good advisor.
Even if you can keep this situation going. The consequences can become more serious with each passing day.
You may have been mistreated or lied to by this person recently. He failed to honor the agreements. Well then accept the fact that this is the case. Review your relationship life.
The answers will set you free. If you can let go of the old, then life can give you something new and better. You can ask yourself the following questions: Is this man really good for me? Is he still the right guy for me? Can I see a future with him?
After a man has said goodbye to you, you wonder why that is. Is it worth fighting for? Chances are you're chasing a wish. It could be that he doesn't want you anymore and doesn't always think about you.
Even if it hurts. It's a good thing, because it opens the way to a new love. A much more beautiful and honest relationship. Just like you've always wanted.
Right now you probably feel that you have no strength to face unpleasant things. Changes are exhausting. You don't have that power now, do you? Deep in your heart you know that you are a strong woman.
Just not right now. Because now is a time for gathering strength.
Get some rest. Don't decide anything. Get your energy back. Do things that you enjoy and relax.
You may feel a little tired, uncomfortable and even scared. But be assured of one thing: This also passes.
Gain distance from the problems. After this you can make a good decision. It's better not to take any offers right now. Don't let yourself be committed to a long-term relationship.
You need more time. After that, everything goes by itself. So do not be discouraged, but believe in a good future that will soon determine your life.