What a Psychic would never be telling you.
And why this is a good thing.

Why a psychic reader should never tell you these things

It seems like a bad joke, don´t you think?

Which information online psychics would never tell you, even if he or she knew about it.

Hello, you beautiful woman.

There are certain things a psychic would never reveal to you even if he or she has knowledge about it.

This sounds a little strange at first glance.

Because we want a psychic reading only to find out things we don't know, right? So if a psychic finds out these things for us and doesn't tell us, what's the point? Well, dear reader.

A serious psychic reader follows professional ethics. And that's a good thing, because it protects you from statements and contents that we as questioners shouldn't know.
Please read on and find out which things a psychic should and will never tell you after a reading. Provided that he or she works really seriously and trustworthy.

What a Psychic will never reveal and why.

So, the first point is: He or she would never tell you when you will die. A fixed date for a terrible event that affects you is a No Go in a normal reading. Why is that?

Imagine you would be told a certain date. What would your life look like from that moment on? You might flee into fear and worry for the rest of your life.
Not a pleasant thought, is it? And what if the reader is wrong? After all, predictions are always just snapshots that show a certain probability. No more, no less.

That's why fixed dates are not serious, especially for bad events. No Phone Reader and Psychic who does his or hers job well would tell you that. So don't even ask.
The second point concerns negative statements about other people. In a reading you will not be told that another person carries a very negative and unchangeable thing inside of him or her.

Even in a very good reading you cannot look into the innermost being of another person. The reader has neither the right nor the possibility to analyse another person and tell you this.
Therefore questions like: what does he think, what does he want and so on, are only the beginning of a good reading online.

The reader must then define with you what you really want. The statements can and must always be worded in a way that you actually can do something about it. Imagine you would find out that your partner is occupied by an evil energy and you can't do anything about it.
This would be terrible and would rob you of all your energy. A Psychic Reading should be exactly the opposite. It is supposed to build you up and help you to enjoy life again.
Then there is a third point that a psychic reader would never tell you. He or she would never say (provided the person is serious):

Hello, I can influence and manipulate this person with my powers. I can enchant him and make him obedient for you. But this is expensive and very complex.

If you buy this offer, everything will be good for you. Promised and guaranteed.
Here are two things that do in fact not does not fit a Free Psychic Reader and a relevant reading.

On the one hand, no one may or should manipulate other people with certain energies and restrict their free will. This is called black magic. I'm not saying it doesn't work.

But the consequences for you and all those affected are unforeseeable and can lead to serious complications. Leave it alone. Absolutely and forever.
  • The other thing is the guarantees and promises.

No amazing Psychic Readings can promise and guarantee you a certain result. The future is formed as you walk towards it.

So take the best steps possible, let yourself be supported by a reading and let yourself be ready for the ever new challenges and happy surprises of life.

So now you know what a psychic would never tell you, even if he or she knew.

Next: Find out how to make sound decisions you will not regret later.
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