Here it is online.
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Good news.
You deserve all the fortune and affection on this earth.
Continue the dream. You can have it all.
Expect the absolute best.
You shall have plenty of gifts from life.
In a moment you can ask a psychic here online. Here he has already given you a personal interpretation of your questions. Take a look, this increases the hit rate by more than 77%.
Every concern is welcome here.
You are the center of attention with us.
Yes, you are really important.
Trust in the power of fate.
Congratulations! This is a very ‘telling’ card with enormous psychic traction. If you are concerned about your love-life, then this reading will help clarify your queries.
So much of loving someone hinges on fears and doubts, either of the self or about your significant other and often we lie awake asking ourselves:
----- Does he really love me? Is he hiding something?
----- What’s going to be our future? Will he come back?
----- Can we be truly happy? Do I actually want the same things?
Questions, questions: always more questions!
Now this is an interesting card with multiple facets, as reflects the complexity of our love-lives and emotions.
It is time to look carefully at the card you have chosen, or, very likely, the card which chose you. On a first inspection we can see a couple, arm-in-arm, next to a train in the station. From now on in the reading, you are represented by the lady in the image.
Interestingly, trains and stations have hugely symbolic roots in modern culture such as the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station that Harry Potter took to escape the dangers of London. Yet also 150 years ago, in the Russian novel ‘Anna Karenina’, it is full of important scenes on trains and in train stations.
Stations always predict the concept of a journey, either a personal inner journey of a spiritual nature, or an upcoming journey or possibly even relocation. One common theme is that change is afoot.
But did you know that trains are the ultimate fatalistic emblem? For a train there's only one path— to follow the tracks.
Do you feel that your life is all pre-set, laid out in a straight predictable line? Are you stifled by this?
Maybe it is because you have a fatalistic view of life. Remember, you can change your destiny, no one has to subscribe to the notion that we are utterly powerless.
Now in the dream world, a train station may denote transformation and/or waiting. Yet in this picture the train has arrived and the couple appear to be moving away from it.
‘You’, as the querent, or seeker of arcane knowledge from this tarot deck, may be in a place of uncertainty.
If you are asking yourself will he be there for me? Will he turn up? That card is saying ‘Yes’.
If you are single and want to know if there is love out there for you, your psychic reading says strongly ‘Yes’.
If you are asking will he come back, the card shows you will be the one to return.
However, you have clearly been on some sort of journey before this event and this would appear incredibly important to the positive outcome depicted here.
There would definitely appear to be a spiritual component to this as if you look closely to the upper right-hand-side, you will see the light-beams streaming in to illuminate yourselves. Or, more specifically, the light is focusing on the male figure by your side.
This suggests that what is really lacking in your life, be it that you are currently single, recently uncoupled or in a relationship, is the spiritual soul-to-soul connection.
So often relationships focus mainly on the physical and the material. In point of fact, it is a deeper bonding which every single human being needs and this tie should be with our chosen ‘one’.
Many relationships go sour because this spiritual closeness is found in other relationships, such as with your children or a beloved parent, or even with an ‘ex’, but if it is missing from your partner, it is destined to fail.
There is another interpretation of this fascinating card. Maybe you noticed already that the male figure here is dressed in a white shirt which is illuminated from the heavens. This could very well be a reference to a powerful guardian angel that is constantly with you.
Your card chose you because you are evidently drawn to more spiritual relationships but the train suggests that you are wondering what the future may hold, or that you may be afraid of running out of time to make a decision.
Did you note the red stop lights of the carriage to the left?
Is change always positive? Maybe you have found your angel already but have been too much in a hurry, possibly travelling, to notice.
In the card’s central view-point where all lines of symmetry meet, ‘you’ are being very gently led away from the train. The card is saying that it is time to lay down your hat, cease the restless moving/switching jobs, and search for your true home.
This could be referring to trust issues here. The card shows you in an empty station – these are grand public spaces usually filled with people.
You appear to be the last passenger being met by someone who clearly loves and cares for you. You need to look closely at your life and assess your priorities. There is that special someone waiting for you, never fear, but you need to decide to return ‘home’.
People can be absent in a marriage or relationship. They can be so absorbed in their past pain or in their ambitions that their family and loved ones only get half of them, at most.
This card is telling you to come back and join the world of the living and in seeing life in all its glorious design and truly connecting with the people in your life, you will find a transcendental love.
Now is the time.
Search for the divine inside yourself and you will soon start to see it in others, it is, after all, in the people around us, just waiting to be tapped into.
Know that you are loved. This card says this very clearly. You are not alone. Mr Right is either with you now, so pay attention, or is around the corner if you settle long enough and therefore make deeper connections by contributing to part of a community.
Follow your heart, loosen up and let someone into your life. ‘You’ are in the shadows here because of your distrust or cynicism.
You have chosen a most fortuitous card. Lady Luck is an outmoded image; life is about having a strategy. Your question reveals a lot about your state of mind.
Will my luck ever change? Will it be a yes or a no? Should I do it or not?
It is usually asked when a person feels at their lowest ebb, possibly disempowered and simply feels unable to effect change. Don’t worry, your card will try to show you a new way forward.
Know that, first and foremost, you are not cursed and never let anybody tell you that you are! When you are at your most vulnerable, sadly others may falsely promise you the world for ‘X’ amount of money. Beware of these swindlers.
Now the card you have selected is actually a strength card. So you are stronger than maybe you have been feeling. Have courage, all will turn out well.
However, first of all, you must prepare yourself mentally and physically for this reading.
That means seeking out a quiet place, sitting comfortably and slowing down your breathing. This will open your ‘third’ eye to your own possibilities and for a clearer focus on your card’s psychic message.
Study the image on your card very closely. You have selected the Chess Queen. You are the querent, or seeker, clearly seen here in deep thought.
----- In answer to your question, the card deck has responded with a game which involves a strategy, concentration and remaining calm. Chess is a game of patience but most of all it is a game which hones the skill of foresight.
In other words, ‘you’ need to be able to ‘see’ ahead, far ahead, and ‘plan’.
----- This is a game which leaves nothing to ‘chance’, interestingly. Instead both players are in full control of the facts, there is no random element.
----- You may rightly ask yourself, isn’t this a strange answer to my question about luck?
Well, not if we go back to our first premise: a person who asks this is feeling disempowered.
----- You need to take control of your life’s direction. In short, the card is showing you that you need to be proactive.
----- You can heal your life. Wait. Stop. Read that again. ‘You’ can heal your life! And this card is all about appreciating what you do have, rather than focusing on what you don’t.
You need to know that luck is created by us.
By putting out good energy into the universe, being grateful and helping others in even greater need, we sow the seeds for the universe’s return on our investment.
How do I do this specifically you may ask? Well, kindness is the first step in generating good luck in your life, so try to do some charitable work or offer to help an elderly neighbour by weeding her garden etc. This will be rewarded.
Next you should stop expecting a quick-fix or supernatural intervention and rather accept the challenge of turning this question of yours into an action plan of what you need to change to improve your situation in order of higher and lower needs.
Look at the card again. Of all the symbols in the world you attracted Chess. Now on the left of the figure, there is the player Queen, ‘you’, distinguished by a platinum 3-D crown. You are centre stage, standing strong and you sparkle.
How can you be like the Chess queen?
Remember that there are those who love you and for whom you shine, you glow: thus, you have to be strong for your ‘subjects’, your family, your friends and yourself.
Chess is a battle. Life is a battle. You have many figures still on the board so you are ‘in’ play, you cannot afford to be defeatist. You may not know this but you didn’t pick the card: the card always chooses ‘you’.
The card believes in your abilities to generate your own ‘luck’. Look at the background. It depicts you turning away from the darkness on the right side and facing the ‘game’.
You therefore must have the necessary skills for this.
So what are they?
You just need to do a bit of problem-solving as life is really just a large puzzle. Remaining calm is essential as we cannot create a better future for ourselves if we cave-in to pressure. After all, pressure can be a great thing; it brings about change and enhances creative thinking.
If an artistic person, for example, had the money to buy anything they desired, they wouldn’t create. They would have no need.
Necessity is the mother of invention and it positively forces us to think outside of the box, so be ambitious in your ideas and tap into your fighting spirit.
Chess represents real life on so many levels: if we feel we are always failing, that we are on a losing streak, then in life as in Chess, we need to start recognising negative patterns which bring about this feeling or result.
Your online psychics repeat: negative patterns, going round in circles, repeating mistakes, only thinking in one destructive way, and not taking the time to assess our lives.
Anything can be achieved through hard work, patience, ambition, strength of character, self-confidence and a fighting spirit.
These qualities are inside you, even if you don’t recognise them, your psychic oracle does.
The psychic messages don’t lie. You asked ‘Will my luck ever change?’ and the good news is it already has. You are here, you are searching and therefore you are fighting.
So today your luck has changed! You can heal your life and you have already started. You are not cursed; you are blessed. You are here, you are alive and you have the power to change things.
Never think that you are powerless as you are strong.
You have asked the universe for strength and it has answered. Start small and meditate for constant guidance, sending your positivity out there and watch it grow and come right back at you.
This is the ‘Secret’ that every guru, sifu, yogi and in fact any spiritual leader knows and a secret understood by all successful people.
Today, now, is the beginning of the rest of your life: feel your power.
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