Is getting a psychic reading a sin?

Arthur de Angelis • July 6, 2020
In this article you will learn more about our opinion on the topic: Is psychic reading a sin? Is going to a psychic a bad thing? Is having a reading bad for you? Be curious about complex answers and our take on humanity itself.

Things are not as simple as they look at first glance.

It is certainly absolutely right that there is an invisible world in addition to the visible world. That the unknown and mysterious has always fascinated people is nothing new.

A psychic reading per se has nothing to do with sins. There are many readers who actually want to help other people and have nothing bad in mind.

But with this I do not say that (as long as one believes that there are evil powers) such a person cannot also be manipulated unconsciously.

In the end, everything that does not serve the truth is superfluous and useless. And that can be just about anything. So what truth is now, is another question.

Is getting a Psychic Reading a sin?

Is it a bad thing when going to a psychic?

As an open-minded Christian you could see it that way:

God has given us many tools on the way. And every thing has two sides. Look at a simple knife, for example. You can cut bread with it. You can kill somebody with it. It's the intention of the user.

The same goes for having a reading with a psychic. Whether it's good or not depends on the intention of the user. Not so much on the ulterior motives of the reader. It is, in our opinion, the attitude of the questioner.

So how does this work best for Christians? Is it forbidden for Christians to use a Psychic Reading?

The answer is yes and no. It depends on the intention behind it.

Where people have no personal relationship to Jesus Christ, they open up (to feel important) to dubious teachings, religions, esotericism, self-discovery processes, ideologies, violence and also occult things. And some also tend to idolatry. This is an increased tendency to look for objects (idols) of worship.

The possibilities and the choice for such things (to feel special, strong and safe) were hardly as great and also seductive as in our modern times. To be enthusiastic and interested in something in a healthy setting does not have to be or become a drama.

The limit is reached, however, when this already takes on fanatical dimensions, which cost money, time, nerves and health, and you or others have to suffer from it.

So is it a sin to get a reading? Is it bad to go to a Psychic?

Is asking a Psychic bad?

There is also a religious idolatry that can bite into congregations and their preachers, for example. So idolatry has many faces and the seducer is not stupid.

Nevertheless: hardly any esoterically interested person would think negatively about Jesus Christ. Quite a few even consider him to be the greatest esotericist of all. But they talk more about a kind of ''Jesus-feeling'' than about the living son of God.

They feel more like gifted spiritual healers and modern necromancers than as sinful people in need of redemption, who in their spiritual distress call for redemption in faith (Romans 7:24).

I will not to tell you that there is no God, because your faith is your business and your right. Just as other people's faith is their business and right.

But there is one thing you can safely assume: there are no witches or sorcerers. The kind of people you have in mind when you use the term witch as a swear word do not exist.

This can be seen as a deliberate misrepresentation of terms. A group of people is accused without being able to defend themselves.

Is going to a Psychic bad for me?

Is it sinful to have one ore more psychic readings?

Why should psychic readings be a sin or be bad for you? In any case, the Bible draws different conclusions. The basic statement is that man is a beloved creature of God. Man should subdue the earth for himself. This also includes looking at all possibilities before making a decision and using those that are helpful.

Helpful in the sense of developing righteously as man and creature according to the universal laws of God. If that is your intention, then psychic reading cannot be a sin. But if you become dependent on it and stop making your own decisions, then it is not good for your human development.

Then that is, if you will, a sin. In any case, this kind of using a reading is bad for you. Please keep the following in mind. Not the reading itself is bad or sinful. But the intention you connect with it.

I have hardly ever met a believer in my life who was even remotely familiar with the background of fortune telling or who was even remotely interested in it. But this is a basic prerequisite if one wants to get a factual overview at all, in order to be able to judge things in the end.

So always ask yourself the question, what does it mean to me. Is it good for me? Do I hand over my responsibility or do I use the information for good decisions?

Psychic card reading is an old folk tale. It is an old custom that uses deep psychological symbolism to deal with the very natural levels of human consciousness - in a folk way.

Card reading takes place on a psychological level - and psychology is only for uneducated and uninformed people surrounded by mysteries, the unknown and demonic danger.

No demonic or satanic powers are activated or used. Psychic help by readings is not primarily about future oracles, but about a reflection of existing or past situations, in order to come to future tendencies. Tendencies - not fixed fate.

Even clairvoyant answers, which could become more concrete here, does not dock onto anything demonic, nor is anything consecrated, sacrificed or worshipped here.

Are Psychic Readings bad?

So there is not only black and white. Ask yourself these questions and do not simply believe what others want to tell you.

One thing is also clear. As a believing Christian you do not have to deal with the background of psychic abilities and their effects. But if you don't deal with something thoroughly, then you shouldn't have a fixed opinion about it. Because a fixed opinion without a factual foundation would be superstition.

The responsibility for your own actions is and always will be with you. This also applies to the providers of psychic readings.

Every reader has a different opinion and has to take responsibility for it himself. The same applies to the personal handling of questions that would require a secret look into the lives of uninvolved people to answer them. This too: a question of human morality, conscience and responsibility.

As I said earlier: A clairvoyant reader is deep into psychological symbolism of the tarot.

Even if the personal world of some Christians looks like this: apart from the Christian side, there is by far not only the opposite, the Satanic. There is much more.

In this respect, one can say, that getting a Psychic Reading is not a sin per se. It depends.

Whether a Psychic Reading is good or bad depends on your intention. It is your responsibility how you work with it.

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